Plastics are used in thousands of products that we come in contact with on a daily basis. Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastics that can end up anywhere and can ultimately make their way into your body via many avenues.
Microscopic Particles Causing Macroscopic Problems
Multiple studies show that the world produces over 350 million metric tons of plastic waste every year. As this waste begins to break down, tiny plastic fibers make their way into our everyday lives in big ways. Some of the big culprits of plastic waste include:
Polyethylene or "PE"
Polypropylene or "PP"
Polyethylene Terephthalate or "PET"
Polyvinyl Chloride or "PVC"
Polycarbonate or "PC"
Polyamide or "PA"
Polystyrene or "PS"

million + metric tons produced yearly
million + metric tons waste yearly
million metric tons waste yearly in our oceans
different main plastic types
Here are some common ways microplastics can affect you

More than 50,000 pieces of microplastics are ingested every year. These can come from seafood where plastic waste has infiltrated our oceans and waterways as well as plastic drinking bottles!

Plastic microfibers from clothes can leach into your body as well as skin care products that use the same chemicals found in plastics. Also, things you come into contact with on a daily basis: receipts, bottles, packages, and more can contain microplastic fibers.

Microplastics travel through the air as they break away from their original product.
Ready to Take the Test?
Plastictox is a quick and easy way to determine the presence and concentration of microplastic in your bloodstream. Once you know then you can begin to fight back against them. Order your kit today!